45% Fat Smoked
Natural Cheese
(Sausage Shaped)

Origin : Southern Region Of The Netherlands

Taste like smoked or barbeque meat without the real meat. A favourite amongst children and adults alike. Great to enjoy it as a snack too
This Smoked cheese is made by carefully blending Maasdammer, Edam and Gouda cheeses which are then molded into their sausage shapes using a permeable casing skin. The permeable skin allows smoke to penetrate into the cheese during the smoking process which then creates a smokey aroma to the cheese
Pasteurized cheese, water, butter, salt
Protein, rich in Vitamin A, calcium, potassium
Smokey aroma, buttery, meaty , earthy, caramelly taste with toasty flavour
Semi-soft, buttery, and creamy
Suggested Serving:
>> Pizza, salad dressings, pancakes, waffles, pasta, lasagna, grilled burgers and sandwiches
>> Serve as snacks on cheese boards with fresh fruits like apples, pears, dried apricots, peaches and cherries
Best Pair With:
Dry and intense wines like Merlot, Californian Cabernet Sauvignon, Zinfandel, Syrah/Shiraz